We’re fans of old-fashioned print newspapers in this office.
Each day rolls of them – usually plainly bound by an elastic band or carefully preserved in a pink plastic bag – are carried in from outside our building steps. Like clockwork, the coffee is poured, and screens are switched on as we settle down to begin reading the events of recent past, present, and foreshadows of the future. Similar to a framed photograph that evokes particular emotions or memories, we collect certain newspaper issues if there is something special to be remembered that day.
In reviewing our collection of the past year, we wanted to share a few front-page headlines that have stood out to us. These pages illustrate a story of the global stock market in 2020: beginning, middle, and end.
Feel free to click on the images for the original articles.
January 20, 2020
Last year started out with an optimistic tone with the January 2020 Barron’s Newsletter cover calling for Dow 30,000 later in the year.
March 13, 2020
By March 2020 the global spread of COVID-19 was wreaking havoc on the healthcare systems and financial markets.