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November Market Update

Matt Manara and Bryden Teich discuss the busy month of November for the markets and summarize how the 2020 election result and recent positive vaccine news are impacting different asset classes including stocks, bonds, and gold.

The economy is doing so poorly, so why are financial markets going up?

Over the course of 2020, the global economy has been forced to move through the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. Combined with fears of a contested U.S. presidential election, social justice unrest worldwide and a new work-from-home environment, investor behaviour and the economy at large has been impacted in more ways than one.

The Bond Market View on Government Debt

In this episode Bryden Teich and Paul Gardner discuss the significant amount of government debt that has been issued thus far in 2020 and what the bond market is telling investors.

Q3 2020 Letter

This pandemic period we are living through has been described as The Great Distortion for financial markets. Central banks are intervening to support the bond market and Government spending is injecting enormous amounts of money into the economy with much of it finding its way into the stock market. We know we must own stocks now more than ever to protect our wealth, given the fragility of the financial system built on too much debt.

A Case Study On: The Valuation on Apple’s Stock

An examination of the valuation of Apple’s shares is an excellent way to demonstrate the extreme divergence that has taken place in the stock market in the last six months. Not much has changed in the underlying profitability of Apple. What has changed is that investors are willing to pay a mania-type multiple not seen since the 2000 dotcom bubble.

People- Draft

Our People.We left the big firms so we could do investing our way. For us, that means taking the time to understand the unique circumstances of our clients and being…

Eric Leuty

Eric Leuty AssociateEric plays a pivotal role at Avenue, ensuring that trading activities and daily operations run seamlessly. He is responsible for overseeing and continuously navigating the labyrinth of today's…

Bryden Teich, CFA®

Bryden Teich, CFA®Partner & Portfolio Manager Bryden is a CFA® charterholder and a member of Avenue’s investment committee. Bryden has portfolio management responsibly for both the equity and bond portfolios.…

Bill Harris, CFA®

Bill Harris, CFA® Partner & Portfolio ManagerBill is a CFA® charterholder and a member of Avenue’s investment committee. Bill is Avenue’s lead equity portfolio manager, working to find the next…


Stable "Quality" Investing. Our core investment strategy is designed to compound your wealth over the long term. Avenue believes that predictable “quality” investments are the safest route. This gives us…

Matt Manara, CIM®

Matt Manara, CIM ®Partner & Portfolio ManagerMatt has a CIM® (Chartered Investment Manager) designation and commerce background. He is the first point of contact for clients interested in working with…

Paul Gardner, CFA®

Paul Gardner, CFA®Partner & Portfolio ManagerPaul is a CFA® charterholder and a member of Avenue’s investment committee. Paul is Avenue’s lead bond portfolio manager, specializing in corporate credit analysis. He…

Second Quarter Recap

In this episode, Bill Harris and Bryden Teich discuss the Avenue Q2 2020 Quarterly Letter and some of the things investors should be thinking about for the second half of 2020.

A Case Study On: Devaluation

The level of US Government debt was an issue before this recent crisis. Now we believe excess debt will come to define financial markets in the coming years.

Q2 2020 Letter

In this quarter’s letter we would like to give our assessment of the many contradictions of financial orthodoxy in which we now find ourselves. The economy is in terrible shape and yet the stock market has had a strong rebound from the March 23rd low.

The Federal Reserve & Real Yields

In Episode 9, Bryden Teich and Matt Manara discuss news from the recent Federal Reserve meeting and the concept of yield curve control. They highlight previous examples of yield curve control and the impact it had on real interest rates and asset prices.

What’s Driving the Stock Market?

Bryden Teich and Bill Harris discuss the partial recovery in the stock market during May and what has been driving the recent moves. They also discuss why the stock market and the underlying economy have diverged and highlight some of the fiscal and monetary policy responses that are causing this divergence. They also discuss the debate between Value vs. Growth investing in light of the current market environment.

Assessing the Bond Market

In Episode 7, Paul Gardner and Bryden Teich give an updated assessment of fixed income markets in April 2020. They talk about the impact that bond ETF’s had during the selloff in March and highlight a few areas where they are finding value in the corporate bond market.

Q1 2020 Letter

We have lived through an extraordinary few weeks. Across the country Canadians are now bracing for the full impact of the virus. Hopefully all our collective efforts at social distancing will pay off. Currently, we don’t know of anyone within our Avenue network who is ill with the virus, and we truly hope it stays that way. We give our thanks to all of you who are on the frontlines in the medical and support professions as you work tirelessly to keep Canadians safe.

COVID-19 & The Markets

In Episode 6, Bryden Teich and Bill Harris discuss the impact that COVID-19 has had on the markets and the global economy through the first quarter of 2020.

Q1/ Frequently Asked Questions

We have been getting lots of questions about how our investments are faring in the face of this historic market decline. We have attempted to lay out our comments in a question and answer format.

Market Update #2

In Episode 5, Bill Harris and Matt Manara discuss the incredible events in the global stock markets for the second week of March 2020.

Preferred Shares, Buyers Beware

Preferred Shares, Buyers Beware   The preferred share market is really a retail phenomenon. RBC, TD, or any of the bigger banks have issued billions of dollars in these preferred…

Market Update

In Episode 4, Bryden Teich and Bill Harris discuss the events in the stock market for the last week of February 2020 and how Avenue has been positioned for this.

The Global Reach for Yield

In Episode 3, Matt Manara and Bryden Teich discuss the U.S. Federal deficit and how it is impacting the direction of monetary policy. They also discuss the reach-for-yield going on in corporate and high yield bond markets and discuss other risks they are seeing in the market.

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